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AgainstData.com is a web platform that helps individuals unsubscribe from unwanted emails and take control of their Inbox and personal data.

By logging in with their Gmail account, users can securely connect to the platform and gain access to a dashboard that displays the email addresses that have written to them in the past, and how often, as well as the companies holding their data.

You can either Trust or Unsubscribe from any email address that has ever written to you. Once you decide on whether to Trust or Unsubscribe, you can also choose to keep or delete all the emails that you received from that address.

Users can also send data subject requests directly from their email to request the deletion of their personal information. AgainstData.com is committed to providing users with a user-friendly, secure, and transparent experience that empowers them to take control of their personal information.

Your digital trail or digital footprint is the pieces of data that you leave behind when you use digital devices and services. It includes any information that can be associated with you, such as your name, email address, social media posts, online searches, browsing history, and online transactions. It's important to be mindful of your digital footprint and take steps to protect your personal information.

AgainstData is a web platform that helps individuals unsubscribe from unwanted emails and take control of their Inbox and personal data. The platform allows users to unsubscribe from unwanted emails, clean up their received emails, see which companies hold their data, request the deletion of their personal information from those companies.

Keeping your inbox clean and your digital footprint small are some of the best ways to protect yourself online and AgainstData helps with all of that.

Internet privacy is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps protect your personal information from falling into the wrong hands, such as hackers and identity thieves. It also helps prevent companies and advertisers from collecting your data without your consent and using it for targeted advertising or other purposes you may not approve of.

Additionally, privacy helps safeguard your online reputation, preventing embarrassing or damaging information from being spread online.

In your everyday life choosing to ignore this aspect will get you distracted and less productive. Spending time fighting Spam inefficiently is bad for you and for the projects you try to get done. By using our product it is simply one less thing to worry about.

Finally, privacy is a fundamental human right that allows individuals to express themselves freely, without fear of persecution or censorship. Protecting internet privacy is crucial in ensuring that our online experiences remain safe, secure, and respectful of our rights as individuals.

We do our best to offer a transparent service and never sell your data or try to monetise it in any other way. The only way we fund our business is through the user subscriptions for the service.

We are an EU based company deeply involved in the complex task of protecting your personal data. You can easily see who we are, what we work on, and all the details about how the service works.

Againstdata.com is OAuth and Cloud Application Security Assessment (CASA) certified by a trusted Google third-party auditor, on a yearly basis, based on the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS), the standard for CASA.

Account Settings

Setting up your account on AgainstData is a straightforward process that begins with logging in with your Gmail account. This is because we need at least one data point to identify which companies have your data and to help you set up and implement your unsubscribe options.

Once you've logged in, you'll be taken to your personal dashboard where you can see the email addresses that have been written to you recently. From here, with just one click you can decide if you want to continue receiving emails from that address as well as what you want to do with the emails you’ve received so far.

You can either Trust or Unsubscribe from any email address that has ever written to you. Once you decide you can also choose to keep or delete all the emails that you received from that address.

Once you’ve gone through your Inbox you can also take a look at the list of companies that hold your data and choose if you want some of them, who you no longer use or recognize, to delete your data. This is done by sending data subject requests to these companies to request the deletion of your personal information.

Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, and we're committed to providing you with a seamless experience that empowers you to take control of your personal information. By setting up your account on againstdata.com, you're taking an important step towards protecting your privacy and asserting your rights as a data subject.

You need to simply navigate to Account Settings and from there you can update your name and country as well as adjust your notification settings.

Since companies need this information to correctly identify you in their systems when selecting to unsubscribe or delete your data, make sure this information is always up to date.

Our service is designed to offer a unique experience and help reduce each individual data trail. For this reason, you can only have one account per email address. Currently we are supporting only Gmail hosted personal and professional email addresses.

Our service is designed to offer a unique experience and help reduce each individual data trail. For this reason, you can only have one account per email address. Currently we are supporting only Gmail hosted personal and professional email addresses.

We are however always improving our user experience and we are hoping to allow multiple email addresses to be added on the same account in the near future.

For the complete details of information we collect please make sure to visit our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

Currently we are supporting only Gmail hosted personal and professional email addresses. We are however always improving our user experience and we are hoping to allow multiple email providers to be added in the near future.

Of course you can. You are in control all the time. You need to simply navigate to Account Settings and from there you can click on “Delete my account” to permanently remove your account and all its contents. This action is not reversible – please be certain about it.

Unsubscribing from email lists

One of the indicators our algorithm looks at is who is writing to you. If it identifies that a message is coming from a corporate email address the likelihood that that is a newsletter increases.

This is confirmed then through various other metrics like the total number of messages received from that email address and the frequency of the messages.

AgainstData creates a set of rules in your email that route different messages according to your decisions.

Each company may write to you from multiple email addresses (e.g.: orders@company.com as well as newsletter@company.com).

You can take the decision to unsubscribe from the “newsletter” email, but still choose to receive the emails coming from “orders”. Once you set these up, we will remember your preferences and all future messages will be routed this way.

If you want to also have the company delete all of your personal data, you can use our Deletion Request functionality to make sure they never bother you again on any channel.

We do our best to offer a transparent service and never sell your data or try to monetise it in any other way.

The only way we fund our business is through the user subscriptions for the service. This means your subscription keeps the servers running and our small team fully dedicated to making the world a safer and more transparent place.

Sending deletion requests

A deletion request is a request made by an individual to a company or organization to have their personal information removed from their databases. At AgainstData, users can send a data subject request directly from their email to the companies that hold their data.

Once a deletion request is received, the company has a legal obligation under various privacy regulations, such as GDPR, CCPA, or LGPD, to remove the requested data from their systems within a reasonable timeframe.

If the company fails to comply with the request, the user can escalate the issue to the relevant regulatory body or seek legal action.

Some types of data may be exempt from deletion requests, such as data required by law to be retained or data necessary for the company to perform a contract with the user.

It's important to delete your data from companies you no longer need to share it with because it can be vulnerable to leaks, breaches, or misuse. Even secure systems can be compromised, leaving your personal information in the hands of unauthorized third parties.

Additionally, companies may use your data for purposes you did not intend or give permission for, such as targeted advertising or selling your data to third-party entities.

By deleting your data from companies you no longer use, you reduce your risk of exposure to these types of breaches and unauthorized use. It's a proactive step to protect your privacy and ensure your personal information is used only in ways you have explicitly approved of.

Under GDPR legislation, companies are obligated to respond to your deletion request within 30 days. You should receive a message from the company confirming that your request was processed.

Sometimes companies ask for additional information to ensure the deletion request truly comes from you. Since the request is triggered by you and sent from your email address, this helps minimize these requests.

However, some companies (e.g., financial institutions) may require additional information such as address, telephone number, or ID information. You need to provide the same information you used when signing up for the service.

When a company confirms that your deletion request was processed, it means it has deleted or anonymized all the personal data it is allowed to delete.

This usually implies that your account with that company or service was also terminated. To keep track of this, you can 'Mark as Solved' any request for which you have received confirmation from the company, from the Requests page.

If a company did not reply to your deletion request within 30 days, the system will inform you that the request is expired. If the company has contacted you by other means and resolved the issue, you can 'Mark as Solved' any request for which you have received confirmation from the company, from the Requests page.

You can also lodge a formal complaint for insufficient fulfilment of data subject rights to the relevant data protection authority in your country.

Subscription and Payment

We are currently accepting payment by credit or debit cards processed through Stripe.

Information currently unavailable.

Your card may be declined for various reasons, including expiration, exceeding the credit limit, suspicious activity, or a block placed by a business. If you encounter issues with payment, please contact us.

Information currently unavailable.

AgainstData does not store or have access to your financial information. Payments are processed securely through our payment solution provider, encrypting sensitive data both in transit and at rest.

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time.

You can subscribe to our service either at registration or at any time during the use of our free subscription by following the steps prompted by the system.

After cancellation, the service will remain active for the remaining contractual period and will not renew. If you choose to delete your account after the cancellation of a subscription, the subscription will be lost.

Yes, you can try out AgainstData with a free user and explore all of our functionalities. There are however some limitations for the free account, which can be unlocked by upgrading to a paid subscription.


You can send us a message via email at support.

We try to answer all requests within 24 hours from the time we receive them.

You can try to browse our website to learn how it works and read the FAQ page.

We are currently not offering live chat support.