How to Opt Out of Figma Ai

Adrian Vicol avatar
Adrian Vicol
Published on Dec 11

Figma is one of the big tech companies that publicly disclosed they train their AI model with user data. This guide explains how you can opt out of Figma’s AI training policy.

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Today, not only can tech companies scrape your private data, they can also sell it to AI companies or use it to train their own third-party integrated AI models. Figma is one of the big tech companies that publicly disclosed they train their AI model with user data. In this guide, we'll explain how this process works and how you can opt out of Figma’s AI feature.

What is Figma AI and what data does it use?

Figma AI refers to the range of AI assisted features that can be accessed by Figma users. It includes AI features such as automated design suggestions, predictive design elements, background remover, and content translation.

Introduced to the public for the first time in June 2024, the company explained that it incorporated AI into its product offering to improve its design process and give users a ‘better’ experience. This was done in collaboration with Open AI and Jasper AI.

However, the downside to this is that AI typically requires large amounts of real data to function at its optimal level. This data, more often than not, includes personal or sensitive information, such as user interfaces, design files and other types of personal data.

Official communication from the company stated that it was necessary to use Figma-specific content to train its AI, in order to make it more accurate. According to the statement, two types of data go into this training: content data and usage data.

Content Data: This refers to images, design texts and all types of creative elements produced within Figma.

User Data: This includes metadata and analytics pertaining to user behavior, interactions and patterns. Also includes data from user’s external integrations such as APIs and third-party plugins.

Figma also provided opt-out options for users who do not want to be part of this arrangement.

Ways to Opt Out of Figma AI

If you're concerned about your personal data on Figma and what it is being used for, you can take the decision to opt out. There are two ways to do so. The first one will stop you from using Figma AI features while the second will stop Figma from using your data to train its data. We're concerned with the second option in this guide.

How to stop Figma from training AI with your data

Only a Figma team admin can change this setting on behalf of the other users on the team. Here are the steps to follow to opt out of this policy:

For Starter Teams

    1. Open the Figma app and access the File Browser.
    1. On the File Browser, find your team's name to the left. Select All Projects.
    1. From the middle of the page, click the downward arrow 🔽 next to your team name.
    1. Click View Settings.
    1. On the Settings tab, find the AI section.
    1. Click Manage AI Settings
    1. Toggle Content Training off.

For Professional Teams

    1. Open the Figma app and access the File Browser.
    1. Open your team. Click Admin in the left sidebar.
    1. Open the Settings tab. Navigate to the AI section.
    1. Toggle Content Training off.

For Organization and Enterprise

Content Training is turned off by default for Organization and Enterprise Figma plans. But just to be certain, follow these steps:

    1. Open your Figma app and navigate to File Browser.
    1. Open your organization.
    1. Now, click Admin. It's in the left sidebar.
    1. Toggle the Content Training switch off.

Note that, turning off the content training setting does not stop you from accessing Figma's AI features. Therefore, if you want to stop using AI features AND stop AI from training with your data, you have to disable both the AI feature and content training.

Does this mean Figma no longer has my personal data?

No, following the steps above is only guaranteed to stop Figma from sharing your personal data with AI third-party companies for training, it doesn't mean the service no longer has your personal data.

To remove your personal data from Figma, you will have to delete your account and send a data deletion request to the company. Find out how to send a data deletion request to any company.

How do I know which companies still have my personal data?

It is possible to find out which companies are in possession of your personal data. However, doing this manually can be quite draining as it takes a lot of time and effort. Now, imagine repeating this process for up to a hundred websites. That's almost impossible for a mere mortal.

This is why, at Against Data, we have created a data deletion tool that shows you which companies have your data and allows you request for data deletion, all in one click. Here's how to use it:

  • Go to
  • Sign-in with your Gmail account
  • Discover which companies have your data
  • Request for data deletion with 1-click